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Buying a Crystalline Photon Agitator
Finding a Crystalline Photon Agitator (Recommended)
Early on in your Fallout London journey, you’re likely to find yourself helping out the Vagabonds. What begins as a short and simple quest to repair a radio quickly turns into a multi-stage adventure of tracking down important items for various members of the group. The final step in this quest requires you to track down a Crystalline Photon Agitator.
Bullettooth Anthony, a member of the Vagabond Faction in Fallout London, won’t allow you to use his workbench while he’s reassembling a laser weapon on it. He’s missing a crucial component, however, so you’ll need to track it down if you want to speed him along and repair Nelson’s radio. This missing component is a Crystalline Photon Agitator, which he suggests purchasing off a trader somewhere. While you certainly can do this, and a previous step in the quest sent you to a merchant who sells one, you can find one for free by traveling a short distance south of the Swan and Mitre.
How to Fix Fallout London Crashes
If you’re having trouble with crashes while playing Fallout London, try these fixes.
Buying a Crystalline Photon Agitator
Luckily, this particular item is fairly easy to purchase from traders. The trader you visited slightly earlier in this same questline, Nadia, usually has one in stock. Alternatively, you could try your luck at any of the game’s other traders, such as the ones found in Thameshaven and many other settlements throughout London. Thameshaven is likely your best bet early on if you’re determined to avoid visiting Nadia again for whatever reason, though you’ll need to help Thameshaven with its pest problem before you can shop there.
Finding a Crystalline Photon Agitator (Recommended)
It’s luckily pretty easy to find a Crystalline Photon Agitator in the game world. You’ll want to head south from the Swan and Mitre until you reach Bromley. At the location shown on the map above, you’ll find a long-abandoned shop called Wolfy’s, with the item you need lying on a desk inside. The lamp is pointed at it as if to deliberately draw your attention to it. Grab it and head back to “Bullettooth” Anthony to hand it over and continue the quest.